★急成長中のネット生命保険会社★ 年間休日120日/在宅勤務・フレックス制度有/経営層との距離が近い ★ネットの未来を創造し、形が作れます!★ [仕事詳細] ライフネット生命のWebサー...ビスを支えるインフラエンジニアとして成長しませんか? ライフネット生命では、インターネットを利用したB to CのWebサービスがあります。 B to Bのシステムでは得ることができないインフラエンジニアとしての経験を積むことができます。 将来スペシャリスト、プロ...
David Sacks, President Donald Trump’s adviser for artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies, and his venture-capital firm Craft Ventures have divested more than $200 million worth of holdings related to the digital-asset industry, according to a memo released by the White House. Continue Reading »
Oil snapped a seven-week losing streak as US equity markets rebounded and peace talks between Russia and Ukraine stalled, damping expectations that Moscow’s crude will return to the market soon. Continue Reading »
China is considering slashing pay of fund managers who underperform their benchmarks as part of a broad overhaul of the nation’s 33 trillion yuan ($4.6 trillion) mutual fund industry aimed at boosting long-term investments, according to people familiar with the matter. Continue Reading »