Found 2487 jobs on 249 pages

21 Dec

時間:星期一至五上午9點30分至11點或下午1點45分至4點 (星期六日及公眾假期非營業時間) 地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室 (美孚站A出口) Please visit our website...

21 Dec
Manager, Maintenance Control Centre
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

or above in relevant is preferred Holding aircraft maintenance license (HKAR-66/ CAAC-66) At least with 1 A/C type, A320, A330...

21 Dec
Dental Hygienist
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Surgeons. Duties include (a) cleaning and polishing of teeth; (b) scaling; (c) giving advice on oral hygiene...

21 Dec
Accounts Clerk (Finance Unit)
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

. Requirements: (a) Completed Form 5 or equivalent. (b) Good proficiency in using Excel functions (pivot tables, vlookup, etc). (c.... (b) Computer literate. (c) Experience working in a cross-cultural working environment. (d) Have a valid work visa...

21 Dec
Research Assistant
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

questionnaire design; (c) liaising and coordinating data collection with schools; (d) implementing the focus group interviews...

21 Dec

獎金 要求 須持有有效保安證 和QAS證書 申 請:無須預約,歡迎親臨本公司招聘中心面試,星期一至五0900 – 1100 / 0200 - 1600 地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室(美孚站A出口) 查 詢:致電3758 8940...

21 Dec
Location: Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD15665 per month

親臨本公司招聘中心面試,星期一至五0930 - 1630 地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室(美孚站A出口,九巴大廈內) 查 詢:致電3758 8989 / whatsapp 9389 1063 Please visit our website...

21 Dec
教學助理 (文憑程度) (非公務員職位空缺)
Location: Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD18895 per month

燕紀念中學 (沙田) 教育局編號 :EDB/SRA/0997/24 職責: (a)協助教師處理非教學工作;(b)協助預備教學工具、教材及參考資料;(c)籌辦推行課外活動及學生活動;(d)提供功課輔導及進行學生輔導;(e)編製校內及校外評估資料;(f...)主修科目與申請的職位有關者優先;(c)中英文良好;(d)熟悉中英文輸入法及電腦操作者優先,例如文書處理、試算表及簡報軟件;(e)具備有關工作經驗者優先;以及(f)面試者或須接受技能測試及 / 或筆試。 附加職責 / 入職條件: 職位(1...

21 Dec
Executive Officer II, Office of MBA Programmes
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

-ordinate the international ranking and global accreditation work for the MBA Programmes; (c) assisting the AD and THAA...

21 Dec

一至五上午9點30分至11點 或 下午2點至4點, 星期六日及公眾假期非營業時間 申請 / 查詢:Whatsapp: 9012 6359 林小姐 或 親臨本公司招聘中心面試 地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室 (美孚站A出口...