Found 2491 jobs on 250 pages

21 Dec
大圍住宅保安主管 Supervisor - 8.5小時 - 月薪$23025 *新人獎金共 $6000
Location: Tai Wai, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD23025 per month

排與崗位負責人進行第二次面試 *** 申請查詢:致電3758 8989 Whatsapp: 9012 6359 林小姐 或到 美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室申請 (星期一至五 9:30 - 11:00 / 14:00- 16:00) 公眾假期休息 Please visit...

21 Dec
Clerical Assistant
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

of expenditure; (c) assisting in record keeping, filing and scanning; and (d) performing other tasks as assigned. Applicants...

21 Dec
兼職投注站保安員 - 港島或九龍東 (4-10小時工作) 簡單易做
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD52 - 63 per hour

申 請:無須預約,星期一至五辦公時間0900 - 1600 親臨本公司招聘中心面試 地址:美孚寶輪街9號9樓C室(美孚站A出口,九巴大廈內) 查 詢:致電3758 8989 / whatsapp 9012 6359林小姐/9389...

21 Dec
Senior Assistant Officer (Human Resources)
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

processing for the Compensation and Benefits Team [C&B Team] and the HR Business Partner Team [HRBP Team]. The.... Support C&B Team and HRBP Team Handle daily operations of retirement scheme such as MPF enrollment forms and ORSO...

21 Dec
雜工 (非公務員職位空缺)
Location: Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD14710 per month

招聘學校 :粉嶺官立中學 教育局編號:EDB/SRA/0994/24 職責: (a)負責學校清潔及搬運傢具;(b)油印及收發文件;(c)協助接待訪客;(d)接聽及回答一般電話查詢;(e)須外勤工作;(f)或須不定時或超時工作;以及(g...)校方指派的其他工作。 入職條件: (a)已完成小六或以上程度;(b)能以中文及簡單英文溝通;(c)略懂園藝、水電及一般傢具維修者優先;(d)具備相關工作經驗者優先;以及(e)面試者或須接受技能測試。 註: * 政府在聘任時,香港...

21 Dec
Contract Project Assistant
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

) Handle daily reception counter's duties and answer general inquiries. (c) Provide interpretation service for service users... of the culture of ethnic minorities service users. (c) Proven work experience to assist in the implementation of groups...

21 Dec
Computer Technician II
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

and students; (c) installing and maintaining computer hardware, software and AV facilities; (d) operating AV facilities...

21 Dec

development and implementation; (c) Experience in Web Application development with JAVA EE framework, SPRING and Oracle SQL...

21 Dec
Project Assistant II
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

recruitment of postgraduate students; (c) liaising internal and external bodies; (d) providing administrative and secretarial...

21 Dec
科學園/上水/大埔/沙田] - 銀行分行 請CS 20-30K Per Month #RMC
Location: Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong - Kowloon, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Description [科學園/上水/大埔/沙田] ⚖銀行分行 請CS 20-30K Per Month 全港九新界多位 要做個銀行Teller/CS全職 本身返總行Customer Services 想返近少少自己屋企 都可以考慮 $20,000-30,000 x 12 + bonus 一至五9-6pm (星期六輪更) To Apply/ For Enquiries, WhatsApp Michelle 92869674 Industry ...