Töö kirjeldus uste tootmise kitsaskohtade ja riskide analüüs ning lahenduste leidmine uste tootmise materjali optimaalne ja õigeaegne planeerimine uste tootmise tootmiskulude optimeerimise ja efektiivsuse tagamise protsessis osalemine...
Oleme alates august 2024 10 rühmaline lasteaed Pirita Kosel. Meie uus lasteaiahoone ja avar mänguväljak avati 2018 sügisel. Töö kirjeldus Lasteaiaõpetaja assistent osaleb rühma õppe- ja kasvatustegevuste ettevalmistamisel ja läbiviimise...
Job Description We are seeking a Business Intelligence Team Lead with strong analytical and leadership skills to lead our growing BI team within the Servicing Scale department. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in interpr...
Töö kirjeldus Sinu peamiseks tööülesandeks on siseriiklikud toidukaupade jaotusveod töö toimub graafiku alusel (E-P nii päeval kui öösel) vajalik C kategooria juhtimisõigus, autojuhi ametikoolitus (kood 95) ja digikaart kasuks tuleb ee...
Job Description Our Baltic team is looking for a Business Product Owner for shipping applications. This is a temporary position for the period of 2 years, with the possibility to become permanent. What you'll do: Manage and enhance ou...
Company Description PSI is a leading Contract Research Organization (CRO) with over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Originated in Switzerland, PSI is a privately owned, full-service CRO with a global reach, supporti...
Location: Aruküla, Harju County - Anija, Harju County
Salary: N/A
Meie VITATEKA oli algselt mõeldud, kui pood kõige suurema tervisetoodete valikuga Eestis, millest nüüd on välja kasvanud ka e-pood. Me töötame pidevalt oma tootevaliku kallal, pakkudes ainult kõige parimaid tooteid oma klientidele usaldusvä...
Location: Juuru, Rapla County - Rapla, Rapla County
Salary: N/A
Rapla Tarbijate Ühistu asutati aastal 1904 Rapla Ostuühisusena. Seoses nõukogude korra kehtestamisega Eestis 1940.a muudeti ühistu nimi Rapla Tarbijate Kooperatiiviks. 1991. taastus Eesti Vabariik ja kooperatiiv nimetas end ümber Rapla Tarb...
The Ridge crafts products made to last a lifetime through with simple, functional designs ready for anything and everything. Our materials are chosen with care and a thoughtful connection to the insights of our growing community - setting o...
As the year 2024 is nearing its end, investors will be hoping for Santa Claus rally. This phenomenon occurs when stocks rise on the last five trading sessions of December and the first two trading sessions of January Continue Reading »
Transrail Lighting IPO: The public issue is poised to witness its final day of public bidding on Monday, December 23. The IPO has been subscribed 5.31x the shares available as of Day 2. Check details on whether to apply or not? Continue Reading »
What do you think was the top performing asset of 2024? Some microcap stock? Bitcoin? Real estate? It was actually Diljit Dosanjh’s pan-India concert tickets. This analysis will surprise you. Continue Reading »
Senores Pharma IPO Apply or not: The Senores Pharmaceuticals' public issue will close for public bidding on December 24. The IPO has received 1.78x subscription on Day 1, as of last week Friday. Continue Reading »
Unimech Aerospace IPO price band is set at ₹745 to ₹785 per share and the IPO lot size is 19 shares. The company plans to raise ₹500 crore at the upper-end of the price band of the book built issue which is a combination of fresh issue and OFS worth ₹250 crore each. Continue Reading »
DAM Capital Advisors IPO price band is set at ₹269 to ₹283 per share. The ₹840.25-crore worth DAM Capital Advisors IPO is entirely an offer for sale (OFS) of 2.97 crore shares. Continue Reading »
Mamata Machinery IPO price band was set at ₹230 to ₹243 per share. The company aims to raise ₹179.39 crore from the book-built issue which is entirely an offer for sale of 73.82 lakh shares. Continue Reading »