och verktyg för dataanalys och modellering, såsom Python och MATLAB (eller motsvarande). Mycket goda kunskaper i engelska, både... och MATLAB, särskilt inom maskininlärning, dataanalys och bildbehandling. Erfarenhet av att arbeta i Linux-miljöer. Förmåga...
programmering 5DV221 Imperativ programmering (C) 5DV157 Programmeringsteknik med C och Matlab 5DV176 Programmeringsteknik... med Python och Matlab 5DV177 Programmering i Python 5DV223 DV0: Datavetenskapligt tänkande 5DV224 DV1: Datatyper...
European investors had removed a net $2.374 billion from U.S. equity exchange-traded funds in March as of Tuesday, after pulling out about one-sixth that amount in February. Continue Reading »
A spate of big-ticket debt sales show the leveraged buyout market is tentatively kicking back into gear, offering some relief to investment bankers after a moribund period for dealmaking. Continue Reading »
Zen Technologies Share Price Today: The multibagger defence stock has gained 14 per cent in the last five sessions and surged 60 per cent in one year. Zen Tech has delivered multibagger returns of 614 per cent in the past three years. Continue Reading »
Investment word of the day: Alpha is a stock market ratio indicating an investment's excess return compared to a benchmark. Positive alpha reflects better performance, while negative suggests underperformance. Investors should consider alpha for evaluating strategies, especially in active investing. Continue Reading »