. Salario S/1025Bono de internet S/70 Comisiones ilimitadas (400, 800, 1000 Á MÁS)Capacitaciones PagadasCAPACITACIÓN: 8 días... Internet cableado min 40 mb Headset USB. Dirección: Calle Los Mirtos 120, Lince. Referencia: 3 cuadras de la Estación Javier...
Some 179 people were killed in the Jeju Air crash on Sunday - authorities say the delay is because the bodies have been badly damaged and identification is taking time. Continue Reading »
Boeing shares fell after South Korean budget airline Jeju Air crash claimed the life of 179 souls on board on Sunday, December 29. Two out of the total 181 people on board were able to crawl out alive while others died on the spot. Continue Reading »