Har du erfaring med å lede endringsprosesser og prosjekter? Da kan du bli vårt nye teammedlem. Stillingen er en del av et tverrfaglig og utviklingsorientert team som består av fire medarbeidere med ulik fag- og erfaringsbakgrunn. Vårt opp...
Om stillingen Har du erfaring med å lede endringsprosesser og prosjekter? Da kan du bli vårt nye teammedlem. Stillingen er en del av et tverrfaglig og utviklingsorientert team som består av fire medarbeidere med ulik fag- og erfaringsba...
UiB - Kunnskap som formar samfunnet Gjennom eit sterkt og tett samspel med omverda - globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt - skal vi medverke til eit samfunn bygd på kunnskap, ferdigheiter og haldningar. Vil du vere med å forme framtida? . Video...
Professor II/ førsteamanuensis 20 % stilling i medisin (hematologi) Om stillingen Det er lyst ut stilling som overlege ved Avdeling for blodsykdommer, Oslo universitetssykehus (OUS) kombinert med stilling som professor II/ førsteamanuen...
Førsteamanuensis II (10 %) i undervisningsutvikling UiB - Kunnskap som formar samfunnet Gjennom eit sterkt og tett samspel med omverda - globalt, nasjonalt og lokalt - skal vi medverke til eit samfunn bygd på kunnskap, ferdigheiter og h...
We are looking for experienced MWD/LWD Engineers for Measurement while Drilling department. You will be a part of a dynamic and flexible work group and you will work closely with the customer either at the customer`s rigsite locations or at...
We are looking for experienced MWD/LWD Engineers for Measurement while Drilling department. You will be a part of a dynamic and flexible work group and you will work closely with the customer either at the customer`s rigsite locations or at...
We are looking for experienced Sperry engineers to join us as Directional Drillers. You will be a part of a dynamic and flexible work group collaborating closely with the customer either at the rig site or in onshore centers. This positio...
We are looking for experienced Sperry engineers to join us as Directional Drillers. You will be a part of a dynamic and flexible work group collaborating closely with the customer either at the rig site or in onshore centers. This positio...
Om stillingen Oslo universitetssykehus er lokalsykehus for deler av Oslos befolkning, regionssykehus for innbyggere i Helse Sør-Øst og har en rekke nasjonale funksjoner. Sykehuset er landets største med over 20 000 ansatte og har et budsj...
The UN human rights office has verified the killing of 111 civilians in the coastal region, but says the actual figure is far higher. Continue Reading »
Rattan Dhillon, a car enthusiast, found the Reliance Industries Limited share certificates from 1988 at his home while spring cleaning. Continue Reading »
THIS small-cap stock below ₹100 will be focused on Wednesday, March 12, after the promoter's stake-buying move. Shares have given investors 950% returns in the last five years. Continue Reading »
Gold futures on the MCX exchange gained on Tuesday on a weaker US dollar amid Donald Trump's tariff moves which are looming over the US markets. Continue Reading »
Apple Inc. shares were trading lower on Tuesday's stock market session amid a strong sell-off emotion over Donald Trump's tariff increase on imports from Canada. Apple shares hit the day's low at $220.09 as of the ongoing market session. Continue Reading »
As of 11 AM Eastern time, the S&P 500 was down 0.9%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 1.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite was 0.5% lower Continue Reading »
Stocks on Wall Street fell after President Donald Trump announced that he is increasing tariffs on all steel and aluminium to 50% coming into the US from Canada. Continue Reading »
Elon Musk's electric vehicle maker's shares jumped 5 per cent on Wall Street open on Tuesday, March 11. Shares are trading 0.15 per cent after hitting the intraday high, as per the early US market session. Continue Reading »
Bharti Airtel has partnered with SpaceX for the launch of Starlink's high-speed internet in India. Analysts believe the stock is trading within a range, with a breakout possibility towards ₹1,900. Continue Reading »