Töö kirjeldus AUTOJUHTI kelle peamiseks ülesandeks on konkslift autoga klientide teenindamine SINU VASTUTUSALA: Jäätmemahutite tühjendamine, paigaldamine ja äravedu Operatiivne suhtlus logistikuga Auto heakorra eest hoolitsemine O...
Company Description Wise is a global technology company, building the best way to move and manage the world's money. Min fees. Max ease. Full speed. Whether people and businesses are sending money to another country, spending abroad, or...
Töö kirjeldus As the Digital Strategy Lead, you will play a crucial role in empowering the organization with innovative digital initiatives, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, and ensuring that our products remain competitive ...
Töö kirjeldus Veokite ja busside demonteerimine varuosadeks Varuosade ettevalmistus ladustamiseks Ootused kandidaadile tehnikahuvi kohusetundlikkus, puhtus ja korrektsus töös tehniline taip ja loogiline mõtlemine algatusvõime j...
Töö kirjeldus Stantsipingi/laseri operaatorina on Sul võimalus vastutada iseseisvalt stantsipinkide/laserite programmeerimise ning masinatel opereerimise eest. Sobiva kandidaadi leidmisel saab tööd alustada koheselt, töökoht asub Pärnu li...
Töö kirjeldus Otsime oma meeskonda teadurit, kellel on tugev akadeemiline taust IT ja/või küberturvalisuse valdkonnas. Peamine eesmärk on toetada teadus- ja arendusprojektide elluviimist, eelkõige Euroopa Kaitsefondi raames. Otsime inimes...
Job Title: Junior Data, Process & Reporting Analyst Contract Type: Time Type: Full time Job Description: The Junior Data, Process and Reporting Analyst role aims to support data collection, processing and reporting optimization. T...
Sind ootavad Astuge põnevale karjäärirajale koos Treloga, juhtiva veokite ja haagiste remondiettevõttega, ning liituge dünaamilise rasketehnika elektrikute meeskonnaga! Täielikult kaetud reisikulud: lennud Riiast/Tallinnast Lääne-Euroopa...
MORE THAN OUTSOURCING STUDIO. WE ARE YOUR EXTERNAL PARTNERS. Our senior team has over 20 years of experience in the industry. Our studio strives to provide outstanding quality multiplied to a modern design done within the timeframe you have...
The recently-widowed Lady Gabriella helped select music for the event and was said to have been excited to take part after a difficult year. Continue Reading »
As those in the lucrative Captagon network move aside, how will the new leaders stop any criminals waiting in the wings to replace them? Continue Reading »
Unimech Aerospace IPO price band is set at ₹745 to ₹785 per share and the IPO lot size is 19 shares. The company plans to raise ₹500 crore at the upper-end of the price band of the book built issue which is a combination of fresh issue and OFS worth ₹250 crore each. Continue Reading »
DAM Capital Advisors IPO price band is set at ₹269 to ₹283 per share. The ₹840.25-crore worth DAM Capital Advisors IPO is entirely an offer for sale (OFS) of 2.97 crore shares. Continue Reading »
Mamata Machinery IPO price band was set at ₹230 to ₹243 per share. The company aims to raise ₹179.39 crore from the book-built issue which is entirely an offer for sale of 73.82 lakh shares. Continue Reading »
Wall Street Holiday next week: The US stock market will open for a half day session on Tuesday, December 24 and close early at 1 p.m. (EST). Christmas holiday will be celebrated on December 25. Continue Reading »
Market Strategy: The latest correction in Indian stock markets has cooled off valuations in large-caps, even as mid- and small-caps continue to trade at premium to their historical averages, according to Motilal Oswal Wealth Management. Continue Reading »
Bharti Hexacom share inclusion in FTSE index is estimated to bring in flows of $36 million (2 million shares), while the inclusion of Go Digit General Insurance shares into the FTSE index will attract flows worth around $19 million (5 million shares). Continue Reading »