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Found 138 jobs on 14 pages

20 Dec
Trade Finance Professional
Location: Niamey
Salary: N/A

Euro Exim Bank, an award-winning and high-performing global financial institution is seeking freelance-based professionals to sell trade finance services to exporters and importers worldwide. If you are truly passionate about sales and ha...

20 Dec

Depuis plus de 40 ans, Search for Common Ground construit la confiance à travers le monde, ouvrant des opportunités de collaboration entre les communautés et créant des percées pour la paix. Notre capacité à gérer les conflits affecte la ma...

20 Dec

À propos de IFDC IFDC est une organisation publique internationale présente dans 27 pays d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique. IFDC aborde de manière unique les problèmes mondiaux de sécurité alimentaire et de pauvreté en comblant le fossé ent...

20 Dec

Youth/Community Leaders Training/Peer Exchange activities Support (Consultant-3 opening; 1 in each state) Location: Rivers, Bayelsa and Delta State Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international non-profit organization that promo...

20 Dec
Program Manager Francophone West Africa 1
Location: Niger
Salary: N/A

Smile Train is changing the world one smile at a time. Our goal is to transform every person's life impacted by a cleft lip or palate. We train and support doctors and medical professionals to provide our beneficiaries with free, life-chang...

20 Dec
The Youth/Community Leaders Capacity Lead (Consultant)
Location: Delta - Niger
Salary: N/A

Youth/Community Leaders Training/Peer Exchange activities Lead (Consultant-3 opening; 1 in each state) Location: Rivers, Bayelsa and Delta State Search for Common Ground (Search) is an international non-profit organization that promotes...

20 Dec

Depuis plus de 40 ans, Search for Common Ground construit la confiance à travers le monde, ouvrant des opportunités de collaboration entre les communautés et créant des percées pour la paix. Notre capacité à gérer les conflits affecte la ma...

19 Dec
Assistant DHCP
Location: Niger
Salary: N/A

Titre de la position Assistant DHCP Supervisée par Team Leader DHCP Répondant à Chef de projet Prevenir Lieu d'affectation Téra avec déplacements dans les communes d'interventions du projet Zone d'operation Niger Période considérée 07m...

19 Dec
Deputy IT Lead - Administration
Location: Niger
Salary: N/A

PST.AG is a premier provider of bespoke data and software solutions on a global scale. We collaborate with legal authorities worldwide to develop and distribute customs and global trade data, aiding a variety of industries. Our mission is t...

19 Dec
Online Tutor
Location: Niger
Salary: N/A

Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in ...