Job Description: JOB SUMMARY Supports the day-to-day execution of general ledger impacted processes, including support to clients as they work with and understand these processes. Performs accounting functions specifically in the areas ...
Start Date: 2nd January 2025 / Duration: 4 months Duration: 4 months Location: Mauritania UTM Consultants are looking for a GIS Analyst, to assist our client with their project, remotely. The project is due to start 2nd January 2025 ...
Euro Exim Bank, an award-winning and high-performing global financial institution is seeking freelance-based professionals to sell trade finance services to exporters and importers worldwide. If you are truly passionate about sales and ha...
Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions. Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in ...
PST.AG is a premier provider of bespoke data and software solutions on a global scale. We collaborate with legal authorities worldwide to develop and distribute customs and global trade data, aiding a variety of industries. Our mission is t...
Acteur majeur de l'économie sociale et solidaire, la Croix-Rouge française pilote un réseau de plus de 600 établissements et services dans les secteurs de la santé, du médico-social et de la formation. Elle est à la tête également de 12 ins...
Société spécialisée dans la fabrication des TUBE PVC recherche un agent commercial pour la région du Sahel et sud Tunisie. -Expérience exigée dans le domaine de la vente porte à porte -Salaire attractif avec commissions sur les ventes. ...
La Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH est une entreprise de la coopération internationale pour le développement durable qui opère sur tous les continents de la planète. Elle propose des solutions viables et d...
Details: Mission and objectives: Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) a pour mandat de diriger et de coordonner l’action internationale visant à protéger les réfugiés. Il a pour but premier de sauvegarder les d...
As the year 2024 is nearing its end, investors will be hoping for Santa Claus rally. This phenomenon occurs when stocks rise on the last five trading sessions of December and the first two trading sessions of January Continue Reading »
Transrail Lighting IPO: The public issue is poised to witness its final day of public bidding on Monday, December 23. The IPO has been subscribed 5.31x the shares available as of Day 2. Check details on whether to apply or not? Continue Reading »
What do you think was the top performing asset of 2024? Some microcap stock? Bitcoin? Real estate? It was actually Diljit Dosanjh’s pan-India concert tickets. This analysis will surprise you. Continue Reading »
Senores Pharma IPO Apply or not: The Senores Pharmaceuticals' public issue will close for public bidding on December 24. The IPO has received 1.78x subscription on Day 1, as of last week Friday. Continue Reading »
Unimech Aerospace IPO price band is set at ₹745 to ₹785 per share and the IPO lot size is 19 shares. The company plans to raise ₹500 crore at the upper-end of the price band of the book built issue which is a combination of fresh issue and OFS worth ₹250 crore each. Continue Reading »
DAM Capital Advisors IPO price band is set at ₹269 to ₹283 per share. The ₹840.25-crore worth DAM Capital Advisors IPO is entirely an offer for sale (OFS) of 2.97 crore shares. Continue Reading »
Mamata Machinery IPO price band was set at ₹230 to ₹243 per share. The company aims to raise ₹179.39 crore from the book-built issue which is entirely an offer for sale of 73.82 lakh shares. Continue Reading »