Found 11 jobs on 2 pages

03 Mar
Dynamics 365 CE Senior Analyst Programmer
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

between D365CE and various third-party legacy systems for their clients. The developer will have extensive experience with .Net... / CRM Online 2015, 2016 or 365 and/or .Net Technology stack Minimum 3 years hands-on experience designing and developing...

02 Mar
Dynamics 365 CE Senior Analyst Programmer (Relocate to Malta/Big 4)
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

. The developer will have extensive experience with .Net, JavaScript development for D365CE. They should be aware...' experience working with Microsoft Dynamics Customer Engagement / CRM Online 2015, 2016 or 365 and/or .Net Technology stack...

01 Mar
Dynamics 365 CE Technical Architect
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

& CI/CD pipelines; Knowledge and understanding of .NET framework including extensive experience writing ASP.NET and C# code..., Unit Testing of TypeScript/JavaScript, Unit Testing of .Net Plugins, Core technical skills, i.e. use of git for source...

01 Mar
Dynamics 365 CE Analyst Programmer
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

and various third-party legacy systems for their clients. The developer will have extensive experience with .Net, JavaScript... for .Net Development, including code management (i.e. source control), unit testing methodologies and build processes...

01 Mar
Excavatorist – Islanda: 3700 EUR net/ 218 ore lucrate
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A Beneficiile tale: salarizare: 3700 EUR net/ 218 ore lucrate (după retragerea tuturor taxelor și a costurilor...

01 Mar
Dynamics 365 CE Senior Technical Architect
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

is a plus; Knowledge and understanding of .NET framework including extensive experience writing ASP.NET and C# code (not just limited...

28 Feb
Dynamics 365 CE Senior Technical Architect (Big 4/Relocate to Malta)
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

support; Knowledge of Azure DevOps & CI/CD is a plus; Knowledge and understanding of .NET framework including extensive... experience writing ASP.NET and C# code (not just limited to plugins/custom workflows) is a plus; Responsibilities The CE...

28 Feb
Almenn umsókn
Location: Kópavogur, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

, upplýsingatækniráðgjafar, fjármálaráðgjafar, áhætturáðgjafar, skatta- og lögfræðiráðgjafar og tengdrar þjónustu. Alþjóðlegt net aðildarfélaga...

28 Feb
Dynamics 365 CE Analyst Programmer (Relocate to Malta/Big 4)
Location: Reykjavík, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

. The developer will have extensive experience with .Net, JavaScript development for D365CE. They should be aware... security, HTML, Actions and APIs A good understanding of best practices for .Net Development, including code management...

14 Feb
Summer Employee - Associate Software Engineer
Location: Garðabær, Höfuðborgarsvæði
Salary: N/A

# and the .NET framework is a plus Familiarity with Azure or AWS cloud infrastructure is a plus Familiarity with message...