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Found 31525 jobs on 3153 pages

10 Mar
Industrial Engineering Manager
Location: Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Recruit Ref: L059714315 Posting Date: 2025-03-07 Q P Group Holdings Limited Industrial Engineering Manager Company Introduction: QP Group is a well-established paper product manufacturer. We have 4,500 employees. Headquartered in H...

10 Mar
Assistant Event Manager / Events Coordinator
Location: Tin Hau, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Recruit Ref: L059714254 Posting Date: 2025-03-07 Gear Workshop Assistant Event Manager / Events Coordinator Event planning & coordinate with multi parties Support pre /post event logistics Good Communication Skills with clients a...

10 Mar
Education Manager, Estee Lauder
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

What You Will Achieve Develop engaging design and content for digital training/learning and facilitate digitalization of education practices, not limited to e-learning platform and live streaming Evaluate and review the performance of bea...

10 Mar

Master Licensees Background Information Board Advisors provide an excellent solution for ambitious businesses looking for growth, profitability and stability. Increasing numbers of senior level people are turning to a portfolio care...

10 Mar
Human Resources Manager / Assistant HR & Admin Manager
Location: Kwai Hing, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Recruit Ref: L059714303 Posting Date: 2025-03-07 Lucullus Food & Wines Co Ltd Human Resources Manager / Assistant HR & Admin Manager Responsibilities Perform & responsible for full spectrum of HR functions including recruitment, pa...

10 Mar
Account Manager
Location: Wong Tai Sin District, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Recruit Ref: L059714218 Posting Date: 2025-03-07 Apower Holdings Limited Account Manager 職責: 跟進現有客戶訂單 定期拜訪客戶 跟進代理品牌推動及陳列維護 協助其他日常營運工作 要求: 性格開朗,具備良好的溝通能力 對手機、電腦、電子消費產品感興趣 勤力、守時、有責任感、能獨立工作 正常中英文溝通書寫及打字能力 有經驗者優先考慮 地區: 新...

10 Mar
Location: Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD17400 per month

Recruit Ref: R9870332 Posting Date: 2025-03-09 Bee Cheng Hiang 美珍香 大量全職募集中! 急聘全職雜務員 (葵涌區) (全職月入可達$17,400) 負責日常營運生產線操作。 以上職位每天8小時工作另加1小時飯鐘。 福利包括勤工獎、營業獎金、加班津貼、交通津貼、有薪例假、有薪年假、17天公眾假期、購物優惠、業績花紅、生日利是等。 面試地址:葵涌國瑞路88號新豐中心B座5樓519室...

10 Mar
庶務員 - 全職 / 兼職
Location: Lam Tin, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

負責院舍清潔、洗碗、廚務,有需要時外勤 供午膳 應徵職位 請致電 3157 1368 鄭小姐預約面試...

10 Mar
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Recruit Ref: R9890061 Posting Date: 2025-03-09 Protek Technology Limited 維修師傅 職責: 負責現場技術支援、實施、保養及維修機器人及相關設備。 向客戶提供現場及召喚服務。 與客戶良好溝通,並記錄箇中細節及向主管反映。 即日及時向主管匯報當日的工作成績。 與供應商、承辦商等作有效溝通及解決問題。 要求: 持有電氣工程、或電子工程、或機械工程等證書,或以上。 有自動化、...

10 Mar
Location: Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

工作8小時 新人獎 $3000 全職員工福利包括: 勤工獎金 年終雙糧 交通津貼 晉升津貼 營業獎金 醫療津貼 / 牙醫津貼 每月五至六天例假 有薪年假 勞工假期 結婚假期 喪事假期 生日假期 每天工作八小時 員工折扣優惠 經驗不拘, 有意內洽或致電 2890 8661 查詢...