Found 30155 jobs on 3016 pages

22 Dec
Reservations Agent (5 Day Work Week)
Location: Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Energetic and motivated professionals are invited to join the team of a deluxe 688-room hotel / serviced apartment complex in Ting Kau. The property is one of the subsidiaries of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited. We are now inviting high cal...

22 Dec
Assistant Environmental Engineer
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Hip Hing Construction Company Limited, a main contractor in Hong Kong undertaking various types of building and civil engineering projects, is looking for high calibre applicants to fill in the following position for its Hong Kong projects:...

22 Dec
Location: Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

如果你熱衷於推動社會進步,內心期盼為社會帶來正面影響,歡迎加入香港聖公會福利協會有限公司(簡稱福利協會)。 福利協會自1966年成立以來,一直致力為不同年齡和社會階層人士提供「個別關懷‧全面照顧」的服務,並致力建立公義、和平、愛心和關懷的社會。福利協會轄下設有逾200個服務單位,擁有3,000名專業同工,為嬰兒至長者提供各式多元化服務,以滿足社會的不同需求。服務包括政府資助及自負盈虧兩類,讓各服務對象能「轉化生命‧活出豐盛」。 我們重視同行、創新及團隊精神。加入福利協...

22 Dec

Quality Assurance Division Salary: $46,580 per month Entry Requirements: (a) A Hong Kong bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Language, Social Science, Humanities discipline, Education, or Citizenship and Social Development (CS)...

22 Dec

Cathay Pacific Airways is an international airline registered and based in Hong Kong, flying to over 190 destinations around the world. We are proud of our home Hong Kong, where the company was founded in 1946. Our corporate headquarters ...

22 Dec
Location: Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
Salary: HKD20000 per month

職責: 負責店舖銷售及推廣美容品牌產品,提供專業美容意見及分析 服務客人進行皮膚保養、面部頸部按摩 要求: 工作經驗不拘 沒有學歷要求 良好粵語,一般英語及普通話 求職者請將個人履歷WhatsApp至 56853248 工作類型: 全職, 長工 薪酬: $20,000.00至$30,000.00(每月) 時間: 日班 輪更制 福利: 在職專業培訓 有薪年假 員工購物優惠 晉升機會 醫療保險 補充薪酬: 年終獎金...

22 Dec
Project Environmental Engineer
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

Hip Hing Construction Company Limited, a main contractor in Hong Kong undertaking various types of building and civil engineering projects, is looking for high calibre applicants to fill in the following position for its Hong Kong projects:...

22 Dec

東華三院是本港規模最龐大的慈善機構。目前,東華提供給市民的服務有醫療及衛生服務、教育服務和社會福利服務,服務單位合共超過360個,分佈港、九及新界。 Job Highlights 持有認可職業治療學位或同等學歷及有效執業證書並必須為註冊職業治療師。 如具護老者或長者服務經驗將獲優先考慮。 職責: 為長者提供職業治療服務,包括:建議合適長者使用的輔助設備; 帶領治療活動; 為長者提供家居改善建議等。 服務類別: 安老服務 入職要求: 持有認可職業治療...

22 Dec
Oracle DBA / Junior DBA
Location: Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

高柏(亞洲)資產管理有限公司是高柏資本控股集團旗下全資子公司,自1987年於香港成立以來,一直專注於銀行及大型商業機構逾期帳戶處理服務。目前高柏(亞洲)在中、港、台三地已設立37家分支機構,員工人數逾2500人,為大中華地區超過100家銀行提供專業外包服務,亦是唯一一家接受三地銀行委託業務的專業催收機構。 近年國內信貸市場規模增長驚人,銀行及金融機構在大力壓降不良率的同時,仍產生大量不良資產,高柏因此迎來巨大的發展機遇。配合公司在大中華地區業務的迅猛發展,香港總部需要不斷...

22 Dec
Officer - Career Support Services(Kwai Chung)
Location: Hong Kong
Salary: N/A

The applicant must possess * a recognised degree, preferably in construction, engineering, social science, training, marketing, or other related disciplines; a minimum of 3 years' post-qualification work experience, highly preferable in co...