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Seleccionamos azafatas/os para atención en auditorio de conciertos, (Check in y acomodación) los días: 14 de diciembre de 9:45 a 13 y de 16:45 a 20 horas. Salario 70 € 15 de diciembre de 9:45 a 13 y de 16:45 a 20 horas. Salario 70 € 12 d...
years of professional programming experience (strong knowledge of C++/C++11 and STL) Solid software design skills Critical.../PC. Experience in any of the following: 3D graphics engine algorithms (3D math skills), Swift and/or Objective C, Online...
Expert view: Amit Premchandani, Senior Vice President and Fund Manager – Equity at UTI AMC, says disruption risks are emerging in stable sectors like consumer staples as new e-commerce brands challenge established players. Continue Reading »