Stelli ajalugu algab aastaga 1995. Meie rahvusvahelise ettevõtte kogemuste pagas on suur ja katab rohkem kui sadat aastat tänu ühiselt jagatud tarkustele ja oskustele ISS-iga, maailma ühe suurima puhastus- ja haldusteenuste ettevõtete grupi...
Puhastusteenistus OÜ on alates 1996 aastast tegutsenud suure kogemusega haljastus- ja kinnisvara haldusteenuseid osutav firma. Tööülesanded : Kahe korterelamu üldpindade ja välisterritooriumi puhastustööd. Omalt poolt pakume : Korra...
Tõrva Tarbijate Ühistu on Coop Eesti Keskühistusse kuuluv jaekaubandusettevõte, mis tegutseb Valgamaal. Ühistule kuulub 9 toidu- ja esmatarbekauplust ning ehitusmaterjalide kauplus. Ettevõte annab tööd 110-le töötajale. Tööülesanded : K...
Kinnisvara korrashoid Tööülesanded : Põhilisteks tööülesanneteks on välikoristuse teostamine territooriumi puhastamine ning territooriumi heakorra tagamine (lahtise prahi koristamine, prügikastide tühjendamine, talvel lume- ja libeduset...
Company Description Wise is a global technology company, building the best way to move and manage the world's money. Min fees. Max ease. Full speed. Whether people and businesses are sending money to another country, spending abroad, or ...
Job Description As a leader in marketing and media information, Nielsen is one of the most trusted sources of business intelligence for the world's top brands. The work we do makes a significant difference to how businesses and brands per...
Cyber Automotive is looking for Marketing Professional. The Role You will be responsible for: You just need to know how to drive traffic to the enrollment page and those leads end up ordering our new Amazon book. If proven to be succ...
Hambaravi Tööülesanded : Töökoha ja instrumentide ettevalmistamine (steriliseerimine ja desinfitseerimine). Hambaravikabineti ettevalmistamine enne patsiendi vastuvõttu. Kõigi vajalike materjalide ja seadmete tagamine protseduurideks....
Tööhõiveagentuur Tööülesanded : aktiivne müügi–ja üürivahendus, objektide leidmine ja müügitegevuse läbiviimine, läbirääkimiste pidamine, tehingute ettevalmistamine ja korraldamine. Omalt poolt pakume : väljaõpe kohapeal, vab...
Vändra Gümnaasium asub Põhja-Pärnumaa vallas. Koolis on 310 õpilast ja 70 töötajat. Koolielu iseloomustab pidev areng ja paindlikkus. Soovime olla õppijat ja töötajat toetav kool, kus igaüks on märgatud ja tema areng on toetatud läbi ettevõ...
The BBC's Analysis editor, Ros Atkins, investigates Elon Musk's recent posts on X about grooming gangs - and looks at how one day unfolded on his timeline. Continue Reading »
Sebi will ease registration for FPIs in government securities, limiting data requirements. Additionally, it proposes raising the disclosure threshold for FPIs from ₹25,000 crores to ₹50,000 crore to improve market transparency, reflecting the significant increase in market turnover. Continue Reading »
The SME IPO was subscribed over 1.34 times on the first day of bidding on January 10. The issue received 58,70,000 bids against offered 43,65,000 shares, according to Continue Reading »
Patel Engineering's stock has dropped 26% recently, but IDBI Capital's report predicts a recovery, giving it a 'buy' rating and a target price of ₹76. The company's solid order book, stable margins, and debt reduction strategy are key growth factors. Continue Reading »
Devina Mehra, founder of First Global, criticised the push for long working hours, challenging the belief that increased hours lead to higher productivity. Her remarks followed comments from L&T's SN Subrahmanyan advocating Sunday work, addressing issues like work culture and gender equality. Continue Reading »
Oil refiners in India and China have increased crude purchases from the Middle East and other regions amid concern that further restrictions on imports from Russia and Iran may crimp access to supplies. Continue Reading »
Top Gainers and Losers Today : The Sensex lost 241.3 points, or -0.31, to settle at 77620.21, while the Nifty lost 95.0 points, or -0.4, to close at 23526.5. Continue Reading »
Jefferies identifies Mahindra & Mahindra, Eicher Motors, and TVS Motor as top investment picks, projecting strong growth in two-wheelers and tractors. M&M's target price is raised to ₹4,075, reflecting robust sales and new EV model launches. Continue Reading »
Oil rose to a three-month high after another contraction in US crude stockpiles, driven by frigid winter weather, reflected a tighter global market. Continue Reading »