Found 20 jobs on 2 pages

19 Dec
Location: Tartu County
Salary: N/A

. Ülikoolilinna miljöö ning hea töö- ja elukeskkond on toonud siia tippteadlasi ja -spetsialiste ligi 400 aastat. Tööülesanded...

14 Dec
Location: Voika, Tartu County - Nõo, Tartu County
Salary: N/A

-Eestis ca 200-le inimesele. Ettevõtte tooteportfellis on üle 400 erineva lihatoote, mida turustatakse nii Eestis kui ka...

11 Dec
Location: Mällikvere, Jõgeva County - Põltsamaa, Jõgeva County
Salary: N/A

ja Türi-Allikul ning Jõgevamaal Põltsamaal töötab kokku enam kui 400 töötajat. Tööülesanded : Metalldetailide keevitamine...

11 Dec
Mustakivi teenindusjaama juhataja
Location: Mustakivi, Tallinn
Salary: N/A

tööandjalt ja partneritelt; Stebby 400€ aastas; 3 tasustatud tervisepäeva aastas; Võimalus areneda...

29 Nov
Business Development Manager
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

is. We’ve been around since 2006 and in that time frame, we have successfully completed 400+ projects and have become a partner...

18 Oct
Art Lead 3D
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

is. We’ve been around since 2006 and in that time frame, we have successfully completed 400+ projects and have become a partner...

18 Oct
Lead Concept Artist for Sci Fi FPS
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

is. We’ve been around since 2006 and in that time frame, we have successfully completed 400+ projects and have become a partner...

18 Oct
Art Director for Sci Fi FPS
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

is. We’ve been around since 2006 and in that time frame, we have successfully completed 400+ projects and have become a partner...

12 Oct
Lead Unreal Technical Artist
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

is. We’ve been around since 2006 and in that time frame, we have successfully completed 400+ projects and have become a partner...

10 Oct
Customer Acquisition Associate
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

an Essay: Craft a 300-400 word essay reflecting on the concept of "comfort zone." Upload the essay to our application portal...