Eurobio Lab OÜ, a leading manufacturer of natural and organic cosmetics, exports to 90 countries worldwide. We're on a mission to explore new horizons and create a brighter future in the beauty industry. We're looking for a Marketing Speci...
We believe it takes great people to create a great product. That's why our team lives our company values, and we hire based on them, too. Since 2010, Pipedrive has been on a mission to support sales and marketing teams with easy-to-use, pow...
Töö kirjeldus Toiduainetetööstuse seadmete ja süsteemide tõrgeteta töö tagamine Igapäevased hoolduse ja remonttööd. Seadmete tööprotsesside jälgimine, tõrgete põhjuste väljaselgitamine ja nende kõrvaldamine Ootused kandidaadile o...
Location: Haljala, Lääne-Viru County - Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A
Tööülesanded : Sinu peamised tööülesanded on: noortekeskuse igapäevase töö ja noortele suunatud ürituste korraldamine; noorte suunamine ja omaalgatusliku tegevuse toetamine, valdkonna projektide kirjutamine; noortekeskuse ruumide korra...
Projektijuht juhib projekti terviklikku elluviimist, tagades efektiivsuse, koostöö ja kvaliteedi. Projektijuhina oled vastutav paigaldusprojektide tervikliku juhtimise eest alates planeerimisest kuni lõpptulemuseni. Tegemist on siis ainul...
Töö kirjeldus Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi haldusvaldkonna meditsiinitehnika osakond ootab oma meeskonnaga liituma meditsiinitehnika inseneri, kelle peamiseks tööülesandeks on meditsiinitehnika hoolduse ning remondi teostamine ja korraldamin...
Japan’s central bank isn’t responsible for the bloodbath. But it’s reliving a terrible habit of hiking rates at the worst possible time. Continue Reading »
The devastating wildfires in Los Angeles are unlikely to have an impact on the bonds of local governments as US officials promise financial support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, according to a report from FHN Financial. Continue Reading »
Atop Wall Street’s largest investment banks, executives are locking in plans to award traders and dealmakers their biggest bonus increases since the pandemic, with 10% hikes — or more — coming for many desks, according to people briefed on the plans. Continue Reading »
The wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles are unlikely to trigger significant losses in catastrophe bonds designed to capture such risks. Continue Reading »
A handful of companies have held back on selling high-grade corporate bonds in the US after yields have climbed in the last week close to their highest levels since the middle of last year, boosting potential borrowing costs. Continue Reading »
The UK’s domestically-focused stock index recovered after falling to the lowest since April on concern about the fiscal deficit and higher inflation. The pan-European benchmark gained as investors monitored the outlook for US trade policy. Continue Reading »