Found 2974 jobs on 298 pages

29 Dec
Developer Associate
Location: Chengdu, Sichuan
Salary: N/A

programming language (e.g. ABAP, JAVA, Python, UX,C++, or others…) and development skills Ability to work in teams Willingness...

29 Dec
Mgr-Food & Beverage II-C
Location: Guangdong
Salary: N/A

Job Description: JOB SUMMARY Position responsible for all the food and beverage operations, which includes all culinary, restaurant, beverage and room service operations. Oversees guest and employee satisfaction, maintaining standards a...

29 Dec
Location: Zhangzhou, Fujian
Salary: 11000 per month

年假、年终双薪、绩效奖金、加班补贴、高温补贴、满勤奖等; b、免费住宿(有装空调、热水器等,职员两人一间,员工三人一间)、提供食堂及餐贴; c、公司定期举办庆生会发放生日礼物、外部拓展及培训等福利; d、根据生产负荷制定淡季旅游、春节、端午...

29 Dec
CRM_CIED_Technical Sales Representative_Lanzhou
Location: Lanzhou, Gansu
Salary: N/A

, a degree which satisfies the requirements of 8 C.F.R. § 214.2(h)( 4)(iii)(A), 0 years of experience...

29 Dec
NV-Senior Tender Analyst-Beijing
Location: Beijing
Salary: N/A

的知識和經驗: 需要結合廣度和深度的工作領域的高級知識,通常通過高等教育和經驗獲得 有專案管理的實際知識 需要學士學位(或在美國境外獲得的學位,滿足 8 C.F.R. § 214.2(h)( 4)(iii)(A) 要求的學位和至少 4 年的相關經驗,或具...

29 Dec
Location: Guangdong
Salary: N/A

与我沟通 ( ) 工作地点: - 三角镇金三大道东13号C幢二层之六 温馨提示: 用人单位招聘人才,以任何名义收取费用(如体检费、服装费等)都属于违法,请应聘者提高警惕!...

29 Dec
Senior DevOps Engineer
Location: China
Salary: N/A

experience as DevOps Ability to program (structured and OOP) using one or more high-level languages, such as Python, Java, C/C...

29 Dec
Location: Foshan, Guangdong
Salary: N/A

耐劳; 4.能运用计算机等现代教育技术开展教学工作; 5.普通话要求达二级乙等(语文需要二级甲等)以上水平; 申请方式 1.资料准备:本人简历和学位证书、职称证书、教师资格证书、身份证、获奖证书、心理C证等资料扫描件以及个人近期生活照片一张,应届...

29 Dec
Location: Taijiang, Fuzhou, Fujian
Salary: N/A


29 Dec
Location: Pudong, Shanghai
Salary: N/A

业情况 查看企业证照 公司性质:私营企业 成立日期:2024年 公司网址 注册资本:10万元 员工人数:少于50人 联系地址:上海上海浦东临港环湖西二路888号C楼...