Fastcall kerkon nje recepsioniste per turnin e pasdites. Kerkesat e pune jane: 1. Te kete aftesi te mira komunikuese dhe organizative. 2. Te kete njohuri te gjuhes italiane. 3. Te jete e disponueshme per te punuar nga e hena ne te shtu...
Nese jeni ne kerkim te nje pune me disponibilitet oraresh,me kontrate te rregullt pune,me trajnim te paguar,bonuse dhe puntualitet ne pagesa,NE JEMI VENDI I DUHUR! Fastcall po kerkon operator/e me ose pa eksperience pune te meparshme. O...
Fastcall società attiva in Albania da 15 anni, cerca operatori part time (6 ore al giorno) di BackOffice, MULTI-SKILLED per lo step Qualitycall (Telefonata per la Verifica dei Dati) e Inserimento Dati (Data Entry): OFFRIAMO: -Retribuzio...
Fastcall sjell gjithmone risi te reja per ju.Me hapjen e fushates se re Presales,kerkojme operatore me ose pa eksperience te meparshme,edhe ata qe kane njohuri baze italishteje. Fushata eshte mjaft e thjeshte dhe praktike. Gjithashtu of...
Enpal é il green unicorn 1° in Europa. Nata a Berlino nel 2017 e attiva in Italia dal 2023, Enpal ha più di 55mila clienti soddisfatti. L'obiettivo dell'azienda è diventare il punto di riferimento per i propri clienti per la propria indip...
Fastcall eshte ne kerkim te konsulenteve te rinj telefonike per fushatat luce e gas ne gjuhen italiane. Pranojme operatore edhe pa eksperince te meparshme. Orari i punes eshte part-time,4 dhe 6 ore,paradite dhe pasdite. Ndodhemi te Br...
Fastcall shpall vende te lira pune per te gjithe njohesit e gjuhes italiane. Te gjithe ata qe flasin italishten ne nivel fillestar ose te avancuar,kane mundesi te punojne prane nesh, si operator telefonik shitjesh per fushatat luce e gas....
Fastcall ju jep mundesine te gjtheve atyre qe nuk kane njohuri te italishtes,te mesojne gjuhen italiane nga ne,FALAS,dhe te punesohen prane kompanise tone. PERFITONI DYFISH 🙂 Mos hezitoni tna kontaktoni per regjistrime: 0696024124/Wha...
Fastcall shpall vende te lira pune per te gjithe ata qe zoterojne gjuhen italiane,dhe per ata qe flasin italishten ne nivel fillestar. Kerkojme operator/e per fushatat luce&gas dhe fushaten Presales per fillestaret. Puna eshte part-time...
The UN human rights office has verified the killing of 111 civilians in the coastal region, but says the actual figure is far higher. Continue Reading »
Rattan Dhillon, a car enthusiast, found the Reliance Industries Limited share certificates from 1988 at his home while spring cleaning. Continue Reading »
THIS small-cap stock below ₹100 will be focused on Wednesday, March 12, after the promoter's stake-buying move. Shares have given investors 950% returns in the last five years. Continue Reading »
Gold futures on the MCX exchange gained on Tuesday on a weaker US dollar amid Donald Trump's tariff moves which are looming over the US markets. Continue Reading »
Apple Inc. shares were trading lower on Tuesday's stock market session amid a strong sell-off emotion over Donald Trump's tariff increase on imports from Canada. Apple shares hit the day's low at $220.09 as of the ongoing market session. Continue Reading »
As of 11 AM Eastern time, the S&P 500 was down 0.9%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 1.3%, and the Nasdaq Composite was 0.5% lower Continue Reading »
Stocks on Wall Street fell after President Donald Trump announced that he is increasing tariffs on all steel and aluminium to 50% coming into the US from Canada. Continue Reading »
Elon Musk's electric vehicle maker's shares jumped 5 per cent on Wall Street open on Tuesday, March 11. Shares are trading 0.15 per cent after hitting the intraday high, as per the early US market session. Continue Reading »
Bharti Airtel has partnered with SpaceX for the launch of Starlink's high-speed internet in India. Analysts believe the stock is trading within a range, with a breakout possibility towards ₹1,900. Continue Reading »