Found 745 jobs on 75 pages

08 Jan

Angajam soferi categoria B si C , instalatori apa canal bransamente si electricieni retea Caracteristici Domeniu...

08 Jan
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

S.C. SIMPLY FAST SRL angajeaza curieri fara antencedente penale si vorbitori de limba engleza la nivel conversational...

08 Jan
Director Departament Cercetare-dezvoltare
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

S.C. Simple Software Technology S.R.L., cu sediul in Mun. Bucuresti sect. 1, Str. George Enescu Nr. 36-42, Birou 15...

08 Jan
Software Engineer - Security Focused
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

technical discipline with proven experience coding in languages including, but not limited to, C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript...

08 Jan
Sofer vidanja
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

SC angajam conducator auto cat. C, CE, detinator de atestat profesional de marfa, pentru lucru pe autovidanja...

08 Jan
Soferi cat C+E
Location: Bucharest
Salary: 6999 - 7000 per month

Ne marim echipa! Angajam soferi profesionisti cat C+E din Bucuresti si imprejurimi, se lucreaza la prelata, transport...

08 Jan
Sofer profesionist categoria C
Location: Otopeni, Ilfov
Salary: 5000 - 6000 per month

pentru curse locale in Bucuresti si imprejurimi. Program L-V +2 sambate incluse pe luna salariu 5000- 6.000 + decontare transport. Garajul in Ilfov zona de nord Bucuresti, Caracteristici Domeniu activitate: Soferi, transport Tip colabo...

08 Jan
Personal de curatenie
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

angajam pentru Institutul National de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice „Prof. Dr. N. C. Paulescu“, Strada Ion Movila...

08 Jan
Computational Engineering Specialist
Location: Bucharest
Salary: N/A

custom nodes using Python and/or C# is also preferrable. Parametric modelling, creation and development of smart objects..., Rhinoceros SDK, Grasshopper SDK, RhinoInside, RhinoCompute (Hops), Bentley Connect SDK, Python, C# Experience within Building...

08 Jan
Specialist Achizitii
Location: Bucharest
Salary: 5000 - 5500 per month

S.C. CELOFIBREI LOGISTIC SRL angajeaza specialist achizitii in domeniul constructiilor. Caracteristici Domeniu...