Found 5 jobs on 1 pages

16 Mar

Sap area and the Mekong Delta, and includes major urban areas, including the cities of Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh..., the Consultant will provide technical support for the following output: Output 1.1: Assessment of current state...

16 Mar

Sap area and the Mekong Delta, and includes major urban areas, including the cities of Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh... and effects on ecosystems (e.g. fish, wetlands) and livelihoods″ of the CMDA project, the Consultant will provide technical...

16 Mar

Sap area and the Mekong Delta, and includes major urban areas, including the cities of Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh..., the Consultant will provide technical support for the following output: Output 1.1: Assessment of current state...

16 Mar

Sap area and the Mekong Delta, and includes major urban areas, including the cities of Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh... and effects on ecosystems (e.g. fish, wetlands) and livelihoods″ of the CMDA project, the Consultant will provide technical...

16 Mar

Sap area and the Mekong Delta, and includes major urban areas, including the cities of Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh... Within the framework of the UNESCO-led component 3 on Transboundary Cooperation Mechanisms of the CMDA project, the Consultant...