Found 2749 jobs on 275 pages

06 Sep
Location: Tartu, Tartu County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus Töö sisuks on kaubavedu ettevõtte väikekaubikuga suunal Tartu-Tallinn-Tartu, Tartu-Kohtla-Järve-Narva-Tartu ning Tartu siseselt; kauba peale- ja mahalaadimine, kauba komplekteerimisel ja ladustamisel abistamine. Ootused ka...

06 Sep
Senior Legal Officer
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Senior Legal Officer (Estonia, Tallinn, hybrid) Would you like to become a part of an innovative, bold and growing fintech team? Are you passionate about the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries? Then, please read on! Who are we...

06 Sep
Location: Lasnamäe, Tallinn
Salary: N/A

Tööjõuvahendus Tööülesanded : Tööülesanded: Füüsiline töö, erinevad klaasilõikamise pingid, nende käsitlemine. Kvaliteetse toodangu valmistamine vastavalt etteantud spetsifikatsioonidele ja standarditele. Tootmisprotsesside jälgimine...

06 Sep
Toitlustusosakonna klienditeenindaja
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus Toidukaupade müük ja klientide toitlustamine haigla kohvikutes. Tööülesannete hulka kuulub ka kaupade tellimine, vastuvõtt, väljapanek ning realiseerimistähtaegade jälgimine. Ootused kandidaadile Kesk- või erialane kutse...

06 Sep
Location: Võru County
Salary: N/A

KPG Kaubanduse OÜ on Eesti kapitalil põhinev Magaziini kauplusi ühendav ettevõte. Esimene Magaziin kauplus alustas tegevust 2000 aastal. Praeguseks on Magaziin kauplused Tallinnas - Raudalus ja Tähesajus, Viimsis, Tartus, Pärnus, Rakveres, ...

06 Sep
Location: Jõgeva, Jõgeva County - Kaarepere, Jõgeva County
Salary: N/A

MTÜ Iseseisev Elu on 1997 aastal Tartus loodud sotsiaalteenuste keskus. Pakume erihoolekandeteenuseid Tartus, Tartumaal ning Jõgevamaal. Meie visiooniks on toetada ühiskonnas erivajadusega inimestele võrdsete võimaluste loomist. Meie vä...

06 Sep
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus HODES OÜ on kiiresti arenev rahvusvaheline ettevõte, mis spetsialiseerub tööjõurendile ja värbamisele. Seoses töömahu suurenemisega otsime oma töökasse ja sõbralikku meeskonda hankespetsialisti, kes oskab anda lisandväärtu...

06 Sep
Location: Lasnamäe, Tallinn
Salary: N/A

Brondo Investmetall OÜ spetsialiseerub erinevatele metallitöötlusteenustele, sealhulgas treimine, freesimine, lihvimine ja kokkupanek. Ettevõte on varustatud metallitöötlemispinkidega, nii CNC kui ka käsitsi.. Täidame nii tüki- kui ka seer...

06 Sep
Location: Pärnu, Pärnu County - Paide, Järva County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus Meie Tartu, Pärnu või Paide telemarketingi- ja klienditeeninduse tiimi on oodatud ÄRIKLIENDIHALDUR (lapsehoolduspuhkuse asendus) Sinu peamised tööülesanded Postimees Grupi toodete aktiivne müük telefoni teel. Lisaks on Sin...

06 Sep
Location: Tartu County
Salary: N/A

Restoranid jm toitlustuskohad Tööülesanded : Kondiitritoodete valmistamine tootmises, tellimuste täitmine, töökoha ja töövahendite korrashoid, kauba tellimine ja vastuvõtmine, pakendamine, inventuuride teostamine. Seadmete kasutamine va...

  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Wipro Share Price Today Live Updates : Wipro stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 1.11 %. The stock closed at 519.15 per share. The stock is currently trading at 524.9 per share. Investors should monitor Wipro stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Ntpc Share Price Today Live Updates : Ntpc stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.36 %. The stock closed at 405 per share. The stock is currently trading at 403.55 per share. Investors should monitor Ntpc stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    IREDA Share Price Today Live Updates : IREDA stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.06 %. The stock closed at 235.5 per share. The stock is currently trading at 235.35 per share. Investors should monitor IREDA stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Bharat Heavy Electricals Share Price Today Live Updates : Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.87 %. The stock closed at 278.75 per share. The stock is currently trading at 273.55 per share. Investors should monitor Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    NBCC India Share Price Today Live Updates : NBCC India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.3 %. The stock closed at 184.8 per share. The stock is currently trading at 182.4 per share. Investors should monitor NBCC India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    TCS Share Price Today Live Updates : TCS stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.02 %. The stock closed at 4479.65 per share. The stock is currently trading at 4480.35 per share. Investors should monitor TCS stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Infosys Share Price Today Live Updates : Infosys stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.49 %. The stock closed at 1922.05 per share. The stock is currently trading at 1931.4 per share. Investors should monitor Infosys stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    GAIL India Share Price Today Live Updates : GAIL India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.87 %. The stock closed at 229.95 per share. The stock is currently trading at 227.95 per share. Investors should monitor GAIL India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »