Found 2588 jobs on 259 pages

05 Sep
Location: Mällikvere, Jõgeva County - Põltsamaa, Jõgeva County
Salary: N/A

AS Konesko on 1992. a loodud ettevõte, mille põhitegevusaladeks on elektrimootorite, elektrikomponentide ja metalldetailide valmistamine erinevatele tõsteseadmetele. Oleme üks suuremaid tööandjaid Kesk-Eestis - meie tehastes Järvamaal Koeru...

05 Sep
Teede projekteerija
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus linnatänavate ja teede projekteerimine Rail Baltica projekteerimine töökoht Tallinna või Tartu kontoris Ootused kandidaadile insenerialast kõrgharidust oskust tarkvaraga töötamisel - nt AutoCAD, Civil3D eelnevat t...

05 Sep
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Talwest Grupp OÜ omab 11 jalatsikauplust ning 6 rõivakauplust Tallinnas ja Tartus (Salamander, Step Top, ZB Shoes, Högl, Tops, Marc O'Polo) Tööülesanded : Jalatsite ja nahktoodete müük. - aktiivne suhtlemine klientidega, - kaupade ett...

05 Sep
Location: Tartu County
Salary: N/A

Maxima Eesti on üks suurimaid Eestis tegutsevaid jaekaubanduskette, millesse kuuluvad kauplused, toottmistsehhid, logistikakeskus ja peakontor annavad tööd enam kui 3400 eestimaalasele ning teenindavad igapäevaselt vähemalt 140 000 inimest....

05 Sep
Location: Tartu County
Salary: N/A

Arkaadia Puhastuse OÜ on sellise nimega 10 aastat puhastusteenuse turul tegutsenud ja kiiresti kasvav ligi 300 töötajaga Eesti omanike firma. Osutame firmadele kvaliteetset ja paindlikku puhastusteenust. Meie suurimaks väärtuseks on töötaja...

05 Sep
Location: Tallinn, Harju County
Salary: N/A

Tööülesanded : - Kooli inventari parandamine nii koolimajas kui ka kooli territooriumil. - Seadmete ja inventari koostamine ja paigaldamine koolimajas ja kooli territooriumil. - Lihtsamad maalri-ja ehitustööd koolimajas ja kooli territo...

05 Sep
Location: Ida-Viru County
Salary: N/A

Tööülesanded : maniküüri- ja pediküüriteenuste pakkumine Omalt poolt pakume : Kaasaegsed töötingimused, kõik töömaterjalid ja tööriistad, sõbralik personal, ilus ja mugav stuudio...

05 Sep
Location: Pärnu, Pärnu County
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus AS Puumarket otsib oma puit- ja ehitusmaterjalide kauplusesse teotahtelist ja aktiivset müügispetsialisti, kes on hea esimene kontakt sisenejale ja kelle jaoks klientide vajaduste väljaselgitamine ning neile parimate lahend...

05 Sep
Puhastusteenindaja Hiiu korpusesse
Location: Hiiu, Tallinn
Salary: N/A

Töö kirjeldus Ootame Regionaalhaiglasse PUHASTUSTEENINDAJAT, kelle tööks on koridoride, olmeruumide ja palatite koristamine Hiiu korpuses Ootused kandidaadile Ootame Sinult: korra- ja puhtusearmastust eesti keele oskust vähemalt s...

05 Sep
Location: Kristiine, Tallinn
Salary: N/A

Rener Invest OÜ on silmapaistev toiduainete tootmisettevõte, mis on spetsialiseerunud restoranikvaliteediga Aasia köögile, sealhulgas India, Hiina ja Tai toitudele. Meie ettevõte alustas tegevust Eestis aastal 2018 eesmärgiga tutvustada au...

  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Wipro Share Price Today Live Updates : Wipro stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 1.11 %. The stock closed at 519.15 per share. The stock is currently trading at 524.9 per share. Investors should monitor Wipro stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Ntpc Share Price Today Live Updates : Ntpc stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.36 %. The stock closed at 405 per share. The stock is currently trading at 403.55 per share. Investors should monitor Ntpc stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    IREDA Share Price Today Live Updates : IREDA stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.06 %. The stock closed at 235.5 per share. The stock is currently trading at 235.35 per share. Investors should monitor IREDA stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Bharat Heavy Electricals Share Price Today Live Updates : Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.87 %. The stock closed at 278.75 per share. The stock is currently trading at 273.55 per share. Investors should monitor Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    NBCC India Share Price Today Live Updates : NBCC India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.3 %. The stock closed at 184.8 per share. The stock is currently trading at 182.4 per share. Investors should monitor NBCC India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    TCS Share Price Today Live Updates : TCS stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.02 %. The stock closed at 4479.65 per share. The stock is currently trading at 4480.35 per share. Investors should monitor TCS stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Infosys Share Price Today Live Updates : Infosys stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.49 %. The stock closed at 1922.05 per share. The stock is currently trading at 1931.4 per share. Investors should monitor Infosys stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    GAIL India Share Price Today Live Updates : GAIL India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.87 %. The stock closed at 229.95 per share. The stock is currently trading at 227.95 per share. Investors should monitor GAIL India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »