ikdienu saistīt ar dažādu tehnisku spēkratu (motociklu, kvadrociklu, automašīnu u. c. ) dizainu un to sludinājumu uzraudzību..., informēšana par mūsu pakalpojumiem un produktiem u. c. ), Sadarbība ar dažādiem speciālistiem, kas uztur mūsu Web veikalu, soc...
; 3.Palīdzēt dažādos virtuves darbos - dārzeņu mizošana u.c.; 4.Higiēnas prasību ievērošanu. Mēs Jums piedāvājam: 1... nodokļi u.c.). Lūdzu, sūtīt savu CV ar norādi "Virtuves darbinieks - Trauku mazgātājs" sūtīt uz e-pastu: personals@sialekon...
As the president tries to force Mexico to stop the flow of drugs, cartel members tell Quentin Sommerville they will not be deterred.
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Wall Street today: The S&P 500 gained 27.23 points, or 0.49 per cent, to 5,599.30 and the Nasdaq Composite gained 212.36 points, or 1.22 per cent, to 17,648.45, rebounding from six-month lows. Continue Reading »
VST Industries Share Price Today: SBI Mutual Fund has disposed 65,705 shares representing 0.038 per cent of the company's paid-up share capital. The final holding of SBI MF is 3.69 per cent of the company's share capital. Continue Reading »
Goldman Sachs strategists raised their forecasts for US credit spreads, citing tariff risks and signs that the US government is willing to tolerate short-term economic weakness. Continue Reading »