Found 1333 jobs on 134 pages

05 Sep
Hidraulik per hidrosanitare
Location: Rrogozhinë, Tirana - Kavajë, Tirana
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Hidraulik per hidrosanitare Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - shkarkon ngarkesën - ngarkon mallrat - zëvendëson rubinetat - mjetet hidraulike - punon në mënyrë ergonomike - përdor spesorët - shënon vija...

05 Sep
Punetor lavanderie
Location: Tirana
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Punetor lavanderie...

05 Sep
Lares enesh me dore
Location: Albania
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Lares enesh me dore...

05 Sep
Punonjes sherbimi ne zyra
Location: Tirana
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Punonjes sherbimi ne zyra Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - aplikon menaxhimin e konfliktit - trajton ankesat e klientëve - siguron respektimin e standardeve për zhurmat - respekton rregulloret ligjore - kr...

05 Sep
Punetor te kujdesit per kafshet
Location: Elbasan
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Punetor te kujdesit per kafshet Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - ushqyerja e kafshëve - siguron një mjedis pasurues për kafshët - ndihmon për transportimin e kafshëve - siguron mirëqenien e kafshëve gjatë tr...

05 Sep
Manaxher hoteli
Location: Ishëm, Durrës
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Manaxher hoteli Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - krijon zgjidhje për problemet - menaxhon inspektimet e pajisjeve - zbaton strategjitë e marketimit - vendos strategjitë për çmimet - menaxhon buxhetet - i...

05 Sep

Hanau Bar Kerkon te punesoje Kamariere-Banakiere (1 vaze ti beje te dyja pozicionet se bashku) Paga 50.000 leke 4 dite pushimi ne muaj Mosha 18-27 vjece Adresa: Yzberisht Tirane Kontaktoni: 0695237220 More Information Rruga/...

05 Sep
Pastrues dhomash ne hotel
Location: Bushat, Shkodër
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Pastron dhomat ne hotel...

05 Sep
Punetor paketimi
Location: Tirana - Durrës
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Punetor paketimi Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - drejton sistemet e seleksionimit vokal - paketon produktet e drurit - siguron mallrat sipas urdhrave të punës - paketon mallra - mirëmban sistemet e kontro...

05 Sep
Ekonomist finance dhe banka
Location: Lushnjë, Fier
Salary: N/A

Përshkrimi i punës: Ekonomist finance dhe banka Aftësi dhe njohuri të kërkuara: - punon në mënyrë efikase sa i takon aspektit ekonomik - parimet e administrimit të biznesit - analizon tendencat financiare të tregut - kryen lloga...

  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Wipro Share Price Today Live Updates : Wipro stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 1.11 %. The stock closed at 519.15 per share. The stock is currently trading at 524.9 per share. Investors should monitor Wipro stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Ntpc Share Price Today Live Updates : Ntpc stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.36 %. The stock closed at 405 per share. The stock is currently trading at 403.55 per share. Investors should monitor Ntpc stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    IREDA Share Price Today Live Updates : IREDA stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.06 %. The stock closed at 235.5 per share. The stock is currently trading at 235.35 per share. Investors should monitor IREDA stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Bharat Heavy Electricals Share Price Today Live Updates : Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.87 %. The stock closed at 278.75 per share. The stock is currently trading at 273.55 per share. Investors should monitor Bharat Heavy Electricals stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    NBCC India Share Price Today Live Updates : NBCC India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -1.3 %. The stock closed at 184.8 per share. The stock is currently trading at 182.4 per share. Investors should monitor NBCC India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    TCS Share Price Today Live Updates : TCS stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.02 %. The stock closed at 4479.65 per share. The stock is currently trading at 4480.35 per share. Investors should monitor TCS stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    Infosys Share Price Today Live Updates : Infosys stock price went up today, 06 Sep 2024, by 0.49 %. The stock closed at 1922.05 per share. The stock is currently trading at 1931.4 per share. Investors should monitor Infosys stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »
  • Posted on Friday September 06, 2024
    GAIL India Share Price Today Live Updates : GAIL India stock price went down today, 06 Sep 2024, by -0.87 %. The stock closed at 229.95 per share. The stock is currently trading at 227.95 per share. Investors should monitor GAIL India stock price closely in the coming days and weeks to see how it reacts to the news. Continue Reading »